This is a print preview of "A Rainbow Of Grilled Peppers" recipe.

A Rainbow Of Grilled Peppers Recipe
by Global Cookbook

A Rainbow Of Grilled Peppers
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  • 2 x red bell peppers
  • 2 x orange bell peppers
  • 2 x yellow bell peppers
  • 2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Freshly-grnd black pepper to taste
  • 3 lrg garlic cloves thinly sliced
  • 1 Tbsp. liquid removed large capers
  • 1 Tbsp. whole fresh oregano leaves
  • 8 slc peasant bread toasted


  1. To roast the peppers: Cut off the stems, then cut the peppers in half lengthwise. Core, seed and carefully trim off all of the inner white connective tissue. Lay the pepper halves skin-side up in a single layer on a baking sheet. Broil about 3 inches from the heat till the skins are charred black, 12 to 15 min.
  2. Remove the peppers from the broiler and place them in a paper or possibly plastic bag; seal tightly and let the peppers steam inside the bag for about 15 min. Then slip off the charred skins and proceed with the recipe.
  3. Arrange the peppers decoratively on a platter. Drizzle with the oil; season with salt and pepper.
  4. Place garlic slivers attractively around the peppers. Scatter with the capers and sprinkle generously with the oregano leaves. Serve the toasted peasant bread alongside the peppers in a napkin-lined basket.
  5. This recipe yields 8 servings.
  6. Comments: If you cannot get fresh oregano to sprinkle on the peppers, fresh basil or possibly parsley is just fine.