Creator: Linda Cantwell


donna starnes
donna starnes November 5, 2010

i have cleaned my racks and pans with dawn, and soaked them for hours, but there is a strong odor on all parts even after cleaning. Any ideas as to what would cause this and how to get rid of it??

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Marian Brooks
Marian Brooks November 6, 2010 12:02
Re: cleaning

I use cooking spray when I cook so my racks and pans are really easy to clean, I use Ajax dish soap. How about the dishwasher, if you have one, they are supposed to be dishwasher safe?

Star Brooks
Star Brooks November 6, 2010 14:41
Re: cleaning

Haven't had a problem. Wash them by hand in Dawn or Sun.

Marion November 6, 2010 18:10
Re: cleaning

My husband loves the NuWave and says that if you cook fish or meat that you should use tin foil to catch all the drippings. After the racks have been soaking for about 10 minutes, he scrubs them with stainless steel coil scrubber you can get in most supermarkets.

donna starnes
donna starnes November 9, 2010 11:14
Re: cleaning

thanks for the responses, I use cooking spray every time I use the Nuwave, and use dawn or place in dishwasher to clean, never used tin foil, But will def try that next time. I cook our breakfast sausage patties in it every morning, I do use it 2 mornings without washing only if I do not use it for anything else just because i'll be cooking sausage both times. But I notices this morning the smell even has the food tasting like the smell, if that makes I'm goin to place in diswasher today and see if i can get rid of the smell.
Thanks again

Toria November 18, 2010 21:06
Re: cleaning

I never use spray oil, think it makes it harder to clean. Just wash by hand. Even after a roast or marinated chicken, I soak the rack for about a minute and it washes clean straight away.

Sondra December 2, 2010 19:32
Re: cleaning

Get rid of the dogs

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