Creator: Sharon A. Kane

gluten free

bonnie altman
bonnie altman January 20, 2011

hubby just got found out he is to be gluten free for life, I need help to get him the correct foods, I need help with bread and cookies.. bon

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Shawn Christopher
Shawn Christopher January 21, 2011 13:06
Re: gluten free

I post (for free) some of the best gluten free bread and cookie recipes on the planet.

Hope this helps a little.

Angela Litzinger
Angela Litzinger January 25, 2011 23:55
Re: gluten free

I have gluten and dairy free recipes on my blog also. Hopefully you can find something on there that is helpful. The recipe tab has a section labeled "bread" and one labeled "dessert." If there is a specific thing you are looking for, let me know and I'll see what I have. We have been GF for 10 years...

Are you looking for recipes or good pre-made items?

Sharon A. Kane
Sharon A. Kane February 21, 2011 12:44
Re: gluten free

My Ecourse just went live, The Art of Gluten-Free Sourdough Baking. It's for people looking for a highly digestible finished product that is also good for people with multiple food allergies and need to stay away from yeast, sugars and gums.
Here's the link:

Free 7-day Trial Membership available.

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