Creator: Gizelle Marie

Hi There!

Gizelle Marie
Gizelle Marie January 28, 2010

Hello, my name is Gizelle. I'm a baking & pastry student at Kendall College in Chicago and I'd love to start networking with professionals in my field. I don't have much experience and would love to learn more from the people who do it best :)

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Joy May 11, 2010 15:19
Re: Hi There!

Hi, I almost took some classes there but instead I'm doing a boot camp at the french pasty school. How do you like the school? I'm more of a self-taught person.

Gizelle Marie
Gizelle Marie May 16, 2010 07:03
Re: Hi There!

Hi! I love Kendall. I grew up around my aunt & uncle's bakery- my uncle came from a long line of bakers in Vienna and was educated there. I've been self taught most of my life, but I finally decided to get some formal training, and like I said, I love it. It's definitely the best educational decision I've ever made. The chefs are amazing, the facilities are great, and I'm learning so much. I'd love to take some continuing education classes at the French Pastry School though. How do you like it there?

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