About me
I have been published in nationwide magazines such as Better Homes and Gardens, Taste of Home and Bon Appetit. Have been written up in local newspapers, both in Utah and Pennsylvania; have also appeared on local television in Pennsylvania to demonstrate my recipes. This led to my becoming a cooking instructor for Adult Education.
My food blog, "Food Adventures of a Comfort Cook" at: http://comfortcookadventures.com/ is not just loaded with recipes and photos, but restaurant and product reviews. There is also a page of my "Random Thoughts" and I come up with some doozies at times.
I am very happily married to my bestest friend in the world; we are not soul mates in the general term; we are two halves that make an entire whole. Our children are all four legged, and all their combined personalities make us a complete family.
Cooking Influences
My maternal grandmother began teaching me how to cook when I was 5 years old. She died when I was 10, but my passion and love for food and cooking didn't die out.