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Sweet Potato Balls Recipe
by MyWeekend Plan

Sweet Potato Balls

You won’t resist the jolly-looking, golden sweet potato balls. Just using an AirFryer, you could prepare these delicious sweet potato balls without much oil and sugar!

Rating: 5/5
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Prep time: Asian
Cook time: Servings: 3 people


  • 150 g Sweet potato
  • 25 g Granulated Sugar
  • 15 g Potato starch
  • 45 g Tapioca flour
  • 1 tsp Fresh Milk


  1. Wash the sweet potato and cut it into small pieces. Steam the sweet potato pieces until cooked. Prepare a suitable amount of tapioca flour, potato starch and granulated sugar.
  2. Mix all the ingredients together and add in a teaspoon of fresh milk. Stir the mixture well.
  3. Form round ball out of the mixture and placed each ball into the air fryer. Add a little bit of salad oil and fry it for 15 minutes under 150° c.
  4. After 5 minutes of air fry, open the cover and gently dislodge the balls using a spoon or spatula. Close the lid and air fry for another 6 minutes under 180°c . Gently press the sweet potato balls for every 2 minutes.