This is a print preview of "Grilled Corn Salad Recipe with Cherry Tomatoes & Basil" recipe.

Grilled Corn Salad Recipe with Cherry Tomatoes & Basil Recipe
by Cookin Canuck

Six days. That’s how much time is left before my boys go back to school. I’ll be honest – there’s a side of me that relishes the thought of regaining some semblance of a daily schedule, getting extra time to take care of my to-do list and savoring moments of quiet. But then, all that quiet can become deafening. And then I start to miss the joyful giggles from the backyard, the the calls of “Mum, will you play with me?” and even the arguments (remind me of this next summer, will you?)

There are a few other things I’ll miss about summertime, too. The food. Fresh berries and watermelon, boatloads of zucchini (yes, I’ll actually miss that) and corn. Oh, the corn! Even though I inundated you last week with 25 Corn Recipes from Food Bloggers, I wanted to add one more recipe into the mix. If “quick and easy” is an important part of your vocabulary, then this salad is for you.

There are five ingredients and two of them are salt and pepper. Those don’t really count, right? So, we can say this is a three-ingredient recipe. Rub the corn with olive oil, char it a bit on the grill and mix it with cherry tomatoes and basil. That’s it. Of course, the sweeter the corn and tomatoes, the better the salad will be. Good food is made better by great ingredients and this salad certainly highlights that philosophy.

And now, excuse me while I head out to the pool with my boys…for one last time this summer.

For those who are joining all of the Red Faced Runners in our 5k challenge in a couple of weeks, check out the latest “countdown” post on the Red Faced Runners blog.

The recipe:

Preheat the grill to medium-high heat.

Brush the corn with 2 teaspoon of the olive oil. Season with the salt and pepper.

Grill the corn, turning every few minutes, until some of the kernels are charred, 10 to 12 minutes.

Let the corn rest until it is cool enough to handle.

Cut the kernels off the cobs and discard the cobs.

Place the corn in a serving bowl and gently toss with the tomatoes, remaining 1 teaspoon of olive oil and sliced basil. Serve.


Preheat the grill to medium-high heat.

Brush the corn with 2 teaspoon of the olive oil. Season with the salt and pepper.

Grill the corn, turning every few minutes, until some of the kernels are charred, 10 to 12 minutes.

Let the corn rest until it is cool enough to handle.

Cut the kernels off the cobs and discard the cobs.

Place the corn in a serving bowl and gently toss with the tomatoes, remaining 1 teaspoon of olive oil and sliced basil. Serve.









