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Gluten Free Flourless Chocolate Brownie Cookies Recipe
by The Smart Cookie Cook

I don’t dabble into gluten free food often (or at least not intentionally), but I had a special reason to today. It is a good friend of mine’s birthday, and he is gluten free. In fact, he is a huge supporter of Smart Cookie, and I feel bad whenever he’s oh-ing and aw-ing over one of my recipes that he can’t enjoy.

That man is one of the sweetest, most inspiring men I know. He goes to my gym, and I don’t know a single member or instructor who doesn’t respect the hell out of him. He works so hard, bringing incomparable energy to every class. And when he yells “Yeah!” from the back row in the middle of a workout, it makes everyone want to work harder.

So, I decided it was about time he got a treat of his own that he could enjoy. I am really quite clueless when it comes to gluten free desserts, so I scoured the internet and came upon this incredibly simple Flourless Brownie Cookie recipe.

The ingredients list is super short and composed of things I already had on hand. But what really enticed me was how big and fudgy the finished cookies in the pictures looked.

They form that chewy yet crisp paper-thin skin that you see on any good brownie, and they’ve got the ultra-rich and moist interior to compliment it. Little studs of mini chocolate chips add an extra kiss of richness, making these indulgent cookies sinfully satisfying.

I think just about anyone would love these Gluten Free Brownie Cookies regardless of it they are gluten free themselves. These chocolaty treats don’t taste gluten free; that’s just a bonus.

A Few Tips Before You Get Cooking:

These babies expand big time when they bake, so you really only need about 1 tsp. of dough per cookie.

Chocolate chips are delicious but not necessary. These are still rich and delicious with them.

Mix the batter very well before deciding to add additional eggs; it takes a while for it to really become wet and come together.

Most chocolate chips, Nestle for example, are typically gluten free, but check the package to make sure.

Gluten Free Flourless Brownie Cookie

Recipe adapted from Recipe Girl



Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line two rimmed baking sheets with parchment paper. Spray the parchment paper lightly with cooking spray.

In a large bowl, whisk together the powdered sugar, cocoa powder, and salt. Beat in two egg whites and the vanilla extract until the batter is moistened. You’re looking for a brownie-like, thick and fudgy batter consistency. If it seems too thick, add another egg white – then a 4th one if it still seems too thick. Fold in chocolate chips.

Spoon batter onto the prepared baking sheets in 12 evenly spaced mounds per cookie sheet. Bake about 11 minutes, until the tops are glossy and lightly cracked. Slide the parchment paper (with the cookies) onto wire racks. Cool completely. Enjoy!

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