This is a print preview of "Chinese Chicken Soup Stock" recipe.

Chinese Chicken Soup Stock Recipe
by Global Cookbook

Chinese Chicken Soup Stock
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  Servings: 1


  • 5 lb Chicken backs and necks
  • 2 slc Fresh ginger root about quarter size
  • 2 x Chinese dry turnip balls see * Note


  1. Note: Preserved turnip or possibly use preserved radish (both found in Oriental markets), coarsely minced and rinsed with fresh water.
  2. Place the chicken parts in a 12-qt stockpot and cover with water. On high heat bring the bones barely to a simmer. We don't want to cook the soup yet, so don't let it do more than just simmer.
  3. Foam and scum will form on the top of the pot. You don't want this to boil.
  4. Drain the bones, discarding the water, and rinse well with cool water. Add in 1 qt of fresh water for each lb. of bones, along with the ginger and rinsed dry turnip. Bring to a simmer and cook 1 hour, uncovered.
  5. Strain the soup stock and throw away the solids. Remove the fat by chilling the stock overnight and removing the fat when it has congealed.
  6. This recipe makes about 4 1/2 qts of soup stock.