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Cara's Marinara Recipe
by Cara Fernicola

Cara's Marinara

Thers are 3 simple rules that any Italian grandmother will tell you on how to make a good "gravy".

Rule #1: Less is more! The key to a good sauce is that each ing. should compliment and bring out the flavor in next ing. My sauce consists of only 5 ing.!

Rule #2: It's a fact... the longer you cook the sauce the better it will taste!

Rule #3: Adding meat to youor sauce as TREMENDOUS flavor and thickens it!

Follow these 3 simple rules with my recipe and you will have a new staple recipe in your weekly cooking ;)

Bon Appetit!

Rating: 5/5
Avg. 5/5 1 vote
Prep time: Italy Italian
Cook time: Servings: 6

Goes Well With: meatballs, garlic bread

Wine and Drink Pairings: merlot, Cabernet


  • 2 Cans Crushed Tomatos
  • 4 cloves garlic minced
  • Few leaves of fresh basil *TIP* during the summer I freeze fresh basil from my basil plant to use in my sauce during the fall and winter*
  • 1 Cup of Good Red Wine
  • 2 TBS Sugar ( I know some people say it's a nono to add sugar to your sauce but I find that it takes some of the acidity out and leaves a little hint of sweetness)


  1. On med heat add red wine, garlic, and basil and heat for 2 min.
  2. Add 2 cans of crushed tomatoes,
  3. Sprinkle in sugar.
  4. If you are making meatballs (refer to my meatball recipe!) add browned meatballs/sausage etc.. to sauce, cover and cook for as long as you desire. I find the perfect amount of time is 5-7 hours on a low heat!