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Chef Groups are small communities of members who share knowledge, recipes, and ideas around an area of common interest.
bake with dried egg

bake with dried egg

share the recipes of dried egg (whole, yolk and white).

khalid mehmood 4 members
0 recipes
Science Eats

Science Eats

Kimberly Lindstrom 4 members
13 recipes
Focaccia Workshop

Focaccia Workshop

In this exciting class pastry chef Maria Capdevielle will teach all the important techniques to make focaccia successfully every time. The joys of…

Maria T Capdevielle 4 members
1 recipe
Grandma's Favorites

Grandma's Favorites

Grandma's Favorite recipies. You know, the ones everybody loves and beg her to make. Ya, those recipes you'll find here.

Sierra Choyce 4 members
1 recipe
Cypress College Culinary

Cypress College Culinary

A group of culinary students who like to cook, eat, and share!!!

Jennifer Mitchell 4 members
0 recipes
River Chefs

River Chefs

If you spend much time on rivers, you know that food tastes extra good outdoors...and especially on a river! But, that takes some special skills and…

Collin 4 members
1 recipe
One Pot Meals

One Pot Meals

Share your recipes for complete meals you can cook in one pan. Minimal 'set aside & reserve' steps preferred - think camping - limited cooking…

Wendi Taylor 4 members
40 recipes
Lebanese Recipes

Lebanese Recipes

Lebanese cuisine and recipes from Lebanon by LebGuide

Karim El-Khazen 4 members
0 recipes
philippines culinary

philippines culinary

a culinary group for young individuals in the philippines....the group includes college students..

edna marie tumogsok 4 members
0 recipes
The cookinggood

The cookinggood

A great way to have fun, good tasting food. Everyone loves Aunt May hiddden secrects. taste is everything at cookinggood in the hood.

toni may 4 members
0 recipes