Creator: Linda Cantwell


Stacie August 4, 2011

Has any one baked cookies in the nuwave?

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Paula Freeman
Paula Freeman August 5, 2011 14:27
Re: Cookies

I have not tried but I would be interested in knowing also. If you do would you have to put foil under them?

Toria August 7, 2011 01:32
Re: Cookies

I have cooked choc peanut cookies in my Nuwave. They were nice but a bit crumbly. I did turn them over at the end of cooking for a minute or so. I used the pans for cooking and did it in two batches. Will keep trying to improve these as my Nuwave is my only oven. I do everything with it. Toria

Stacie August 8, 2011 03:22
Re: Cookies

I went a head and just tried some cookies in the nuwave. They turned out great! I didn't put foil on the bottom. I just put the cookie dough on the bottom pan and cooked them on high power for 10min. That time may depend on how big your cookies are. My cookie scoop holds a little over 1 T. I removed the cover after baking and let them set for a couple of minutes before transfering to a wire rack to cool.

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